
Semi-Wordless Saturday

Being a landscape designer in Santa Clarita allows me a certain amount of artistic license, so life often gets in the way of my life - I'm taking advantage of that now so this post is not the norm for the last Saturday of the month.

Circumstances beyond my control, have prevented me from creating "What To Do In Southern California - Garden Edition for July 2012" - I will post it.  Just not today. 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, enjoy another cactus flower photos (it is one of the only ones on the computer I'm on) and rest assured that the garden faeries will help me get a post up and going soon enough. 

As always if you are interested in creating a beautiful garden with me you can email me at julie@thegrassisalwaysgreener.net, call me at 661-917-3521 or click through to my website.


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