
Do you need a little garden inspiration?

Imagine walking up to your front door and feeling like you are truly home. Imagine sitting in your backyard; a drink in your hand, friends and family all around feeling completely comfortable. That is how you should feel in your own private sanctuary. It is not always easy to create that sanctuary when you are unclear of your goals and the tools that you need. But that can be fixed!

Let me share with you the key ingredient for creating a sanctuary: Inspiration. Finding the places that make you feel the most calm and relaxed, the vignettes that speak to your heart, those are the keys to creating any kind of sanctuary. Summer is often the time that so many of us have a few extra days (or if we are lucky weeks) to take a break, visit beautiful locations, rest, and relax. Don't let that time disappear, savor every moment and bring it back as inspiration for your life and your surroundings.

This Swiss chard may not seem inspirational to your 10 year-old when served for dinner, however the play of back light on it's leaves is a thing of beauty. Did you know that you could mix edibles into your planting beds and have extraordinary results?

Taking time to stop and smell the roses, or better yet pause and watch a bee flitting on a beautiful hollyhock will help you find both relaxation and inspiration. You deserve it! Give yourself the gift of inspiration and knowledge take a trip, visit a botanical gardens, take a class, or visit a friend's beautiful yard. I am offering a series of classes - if you are so inclined take a look at my offering. Visit: Outdoorsanctuaryblueprint.net

Have a wonderful weekend, and stay inspired!



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