
Santa Clarita Community Garden Plots Available

ITT installs irrigation at the first garden site on Make A Difference Day

I am very happy to be a part of the Santa Clarita Community Gardens Committee, I have been able to participate in the design of the garden and have been very lucky to have had input in many aspects of the project so far. So I was excited to be able to announce in Scene In SCV last Tuesday that we are accepting applications for garden plots. Here is a link to my article, please be sure to pass it on to anyone in the community that would like to start planting vegetables in March 2011!

Our next event will be a ground breaking ceremony in early December, keep your eyes open for information and photos of the committee and the very supportive City of Santa Clarita representatives!

Let me know if you have any questions.

For more about my designs: thegrassisalwaysgreener


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